Posting Tips

Here are a few things to keep in mind that will help your post get more free traffic from the search engines, as well as from inside our network.


First thing to keep in mind is everything must be congruent. That means everything must be related.

When people see your title and click on it, it must match what is on your post -which should match what they will find on your website.

Keep it Simple

Every piece of your marketing has a purpose.

Your title should make people want to click on your post.

Your post should make people want to click on your link.

Your sales page should make people want to buy.

Don’t make the newbie mistake of trying to get people to buy with your title.


Create interesting titles that promise to solve people’s problems. The more specific the better.

Think about your target market and their needs.


Marketing has changed a lot over the years but the one thing that remains consistent is the people who make more money are the same people who provide more value. Keep this in mind.

This works the same for the search engines as well. Posts with more value will get rewarded with more traffic.

Again, think about your target market and what they are looking for.